jobs for 16 – 24 year olds at risk of long-term unemployment

what is kickstart?

Kickstart’ is a scheme created by the Government, specifically designed for 16 – 24 year olds who are currently unemployed and claiming Universal Credit.

Calico Enterprise has been selected to deliver this service and have created 30 completely new jobs within the The Calico Group for Kickstart applicants.

how can I apply for a kickstart job at Calico?

Our Kickstart vacancies are accessed via referaal from the Job Centre Plus. Speak to your job coach for further information and advice.

what can you expect from a kickstart job at calico

If you are successful in your application for a Kickstart position here at Calico, you will receive training, support and experience which could prove vital for your future employablility.

This includes:

  • a designated Youth Employment Coach
  • CV writing help, interview practice and job application tips
  • Continual skills training such as workload management, time management, organisational skills training and any other area where you feel you would benefit

what types of jobs will be available?

The Calico Group offer a wide range of services meaning the Kickstart employment opportunities will be varied and cover man different sectors.

These will include;

  • admin
  • retail
  • finance
  • warehousing
  • digital technologies
  • housing
  • construction
  • repairs and maintenance

Get In Touch

Interested in what we could do for you? Get in touch today and we will be happy to talk through your options.

Tel: 01282 686516


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