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Posted on 23 September 2024

From job seeker to employment coach: Seb’s journey

Like many others, Seb was struggling to get responses from employers on platforms like Indeed. His job applications were often going unanswered, making it increasingly difficult to find work.

However, when Seb found out about a Steps to Employment event – thanks to a post his mum shared from a local community group – his employment journey finally took a positive turn.

During the session in late April, Seb met Chris Marsh from the Steps to Employment team. Chris immediately provided Seb with friendly, approachable guidance, offering help with building his CV and improving his job search between appointments.

Receiving ongoing support

The support Seb received during these appointments was invaluable. He was not only provided with practical assistance, but also a sense of encouragement and motivation.

Before joining the programme, Seb found it difficult when employers failed to respond to his applications, often without giving feedback. This lack of communication made job hunting feel frustrating and demoralising.

However, with Chris M’s ongoing support, Seb was able to identify and apply for jobs that aligned with his goals. Chris provided hands-on assistance with everything from CV building, confidence building to selecting the right job opportunities, ensuring Seb stayed on track.

Becoming a part of the Steps to Employment team

During one appointment, Chris Marsh mentioned an exciting opportunity within Calico and offered to put Seb’s name forward for a position on the Steps to Employment team.

This opportunity opened an entirely new path for Seb, ultimately leading him to where he is today. Seb was invited for a job interview by Chris Lofthouse and, following a successful interview, secured the position.

Before the interview, Seb received valuable interview technique coaching from Chris Marsh, which helped him prepare and gain confidence. This combination of guidance and opportunity played a crucial role in Seb’s successful transition into his current role.

Seb Steps to Employment

Support from the UK Year of Service scheme

Now, Seb is employed as an Employment Coach within Calico Enterprise under Chris Lofthouse’s leadership, as part of the UK Year of Service (UKYOS) scheme.

He works on the same “Steps to Employment” programme that helped him, assisting individuals aged 16+ who aren’t receiving support from the Job Centre, guiding them towards employment opportunities.

Seb’s journey is a testament to the success of the Steps to Employment programme. He shared: “I would highly recommend anyone struggling with employment to get in touch with the team. They offer as much support as possible to help you get back into work”.

Since beginning his role at the end of May 2024, Seb has already assisted several individuals in finding employment and has been recognised for his dedication, receiving a prestigious Calico Star award for his outstanding efforts.

His story is a powerful reminder of how receiving the right support at the right time can be lifechanging.

If you’d like to learn more about Steps to Employment and how we can help you, please get in touch with us on: or 01282 686516.

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Tel: 01282 686516


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